PPF INVESTMENT If you invest in PPF in this way, you will get strong returns, complete information 2023

PPF Investment is like a piggy bank where you can save your money. When you put money in PPF, it grows over time and gives you more money in the future. But you cannot withdraw money easily, you have to wait for a certain time. This is a good way to save for the future and grow your money.

People are worried about having enough money for the future as the cost of things is increasing every year. It’s hard to know where to put your money to make it grow. Some people do not want to invest in the stock market or mutual funds because they do not know much about them.


What is PPF? What is PPF Investment?

When we deposit money into a PPF account, we can earn more money through interest, and the best part is that this interest is not taxable. Let’s explore the advantages of investing in a PPF account and see how much extra money you can accumulate by investing different monthly amounts like ₹2000, ₹3000, ₹4000, or ₹5000. PPF, which stands for Public Provident Fund, is a special way to save money.

It’s a savings scheme designed to help people build wealth over the long term while providing numerous benefits. When you invest in PPF, your money is locked in for a minimum of 15 years before you can make withdrawals. However, you also have the option to extend the investment period up to 20 years if you prefer. You can start a PPF account with as little as ₹500, and the maximum yearly contribution allowed is ₹1.5 lakh. The interest rate you earn on your PPF investments is currently set at 7.1%.

How much return will you get by investing ₹2000

If you save ₹2,000 every month in a special account called PPF, after 15 years you will have saved a total of ₹3,60,000. The money in this account grows over time, and you’ll earn an extra 7.1% in interest. So after 15 years, you will get ₹2,90,913 as interest. This means that when you add the money saved and the interest, you will have a total of ₹6,50,913.

Returns on ₹3000 PPF investment

If you put ₹3000 in a special account every month, you will save ₹36000 in a year. After 15 years, your total savings will be ₹540000. Apart from this, you will earn ₹436370 as extra money, which is similar to getting onions. This extra money is called interest and it grows at a rate of 7.1% every year. So, after 15 years you will have a total of ₹976370. If you don’t need to use this money immediately, you can keep it in the account for the next 5 years.

Returns on investing ₹4000

If you put ₹4000 in a special savings account called Public Provident Fund, you will have to add ₹48000 every year for 15 years. After this, you will have a total of ₹ 720000. The bank will give you additional money called interest at the rate of 7.1 percent. So, after 15 years you will have a total of ₹13,01,827.

investing ₹5000 In PPF

If you deposit ₹5,000 monthly into a special savings account known as PPF, after one year, you’ll have saved a total of ₹60,000. If you continue saving for 15 years, your total savings will reach ₹900,000. The bank rewards you with extra money called interest for keeping your savings. At a 7.1% interest rate, you’ll earn ₹727,284 in interest. So, after 15 years, your total will be ₹1,627,284.

How to Open PPF Account

Here’s a simplified version of the instructions to make it easy to read:

Get an application form: Visit your nearest post office or sub-post office to get an application form.

Fill out the form: Carefully complete the form, making sure you provide all the required details accurately.

Attach KYC documents: Don’t forget to attach your Know Your Customer (KYC) documents, such as proof of identity and address.

Add a photo: Affix a passport-sized photograph of yourself to the designated space on the form.

Initial deposit: To open your post office Public Provident Fund (PPF) account, you’ll need to make an initial deposit of Rs. 500. You can deposit more if you want, as long as it’s within the government’s maximum limit, which can change. Ask the post office for the current maximum limit when you get the form. This initial deposit is crucial to start earning interest on your savings.

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